We’re excited to announce that our stylists Ariana Ovalle and Grace Elmer, have earned top national certification honors awarded by the American Board of Certified Haircolorists (ABCH). Ariana and Grace received this prestigious industry honor after attending one of the ABCH regional board certification conferences in Los Angeles to qualify for this advanced industry standing.
They were required to pass written exams, demonstrate their professional skills and meet a comprehensive series of high standards and criteria set forth by the ABCH Board of Trustees and its hands-on national evaluators and experts.
Those achieving board certification status within their profession are described by ABCH as “… color specialists who excel within their field, who strive to consistently maintain a high level of business ethics and integrity, and who seek out ongoing education and advancement to offer their salon clients outstanding service and knowledge”.
I am beyond proud of Ariana and Grace for making the certification commitment and working so hard individually and together. They studied long hours for the exams and did whatever it took on their own time to prepare for and pass all requirements.
We can now say that Melody Edens Salon takes pride in being San Antonio’s only American Board of Certified Haircolorists’ Salon.